
MOORPARK : Orion Nebula Stars in Astronomy Show

The first astronomy show of the new year at the Charles Temple Observatory at Moorpark College will take a look at the Orion Nebula and the winter constellations.

On Sunday at 7:30 p.m., lecturers Hal Jandorf and Dennis Leatart will show slides and discuss the swirling, turbulent Orion Nebula, which astronomers consider the birthplace of the stars.

Those attending will be shown constellations based on mythological figures, like Taurus, Gemini and the Seven Sisters, Leatart said.


The observatory’s 14-inch Celestron telescope and other telescopes will be available for viewing if weather permits.

Ticket prices are $3.50 per person. Those attending are asked to bring binoculars and dress warmly.
