
Gov. Wilson Takes Office

I was disappointed to read your Dec. 30 editorial which identified priorities for the Wilson Administration without mention of ensuring a stable water supply for Southern Californians.

As many of your readers know, we are experiencing our fifth year of drought-like conditions with devastating consequences if we continue in this dry cycle. Southern California is in particular jeopardy because the sources we have historically depended upon have now become unreliable. Our supply from the Colorado River will be substantially reduced this year as Arizona uses more and more of its entitlement. The State Water Project is deficient, unable to deliver the contracted amount to the 30 public agencies it serves. And the imports relied upon by Los Angeles for decades have now been reduced by 20%.

Obviously our healthy economy and enviable lifestyle are tied to a stable water supply. I hope that all Southern Californians put ensuring a quality and stable water supply on the top of their wish list for 1991.



Supervisor, Second District

Orange County
