
El Salvador

In her letter (Jan. 14), Betty Belting said she was waiting to see if the activists who regularly sit in front of the Federal Building would protest the killing of two U.S. airmen in El Salvador by members of the FMLN. Her wait is over. At a press conference held on the steps of the Federal Building on Jan. 9, the Wednesday Morning Coalition for Peace and Justice in El Salvador and the U.S. called for a thorough investigation of the incident, with just punishment given to all guilty parties. It is the same demand that we have made in regard to the assassination of Archbishop Romero, the rape and murder of four American churchwomen in December, 1980, and the slaughter of the six priests and two women in November, 1989.

As one of the “radicals” who regularly participates in the Wednesday morning actions, I want to emphasize that we do not automatically condemn the Salvadoran government or support the actions of the FMLN. Our criticism of the government arises from the fact that its record of human rights abuses dramatically exceeds that of the rebels. We oppose United States aid to El Salvador because history shows that it will prolong the cruel and bloody civil war.

