
Which Toothbrush Is Best?

Regular toothbrushing is smart oral hygiene, experts agree. But what kind of toothbrush is best? A low-tech, inexpensive, old-fashioned model or a high-tech, expensive, electric brush that delivers more brush strokes per minute than is humanly possible?

Here are two views:

Traditional brush: Tom Glass, professor and chairman of oral pathology, University of Oklahoma Colleges of Dentistry and Medicine, Oklahoma City.

“The point of brushing is to remove soft debris and some organisms, and that can be done well with a traditional toothbrush.


“Choose a toothbrush with a completely round design, soft bristles and a small head. Some of the newer design brushes make it easier to lacerate (gum) tissue. The natural bristle toothbrush collects germs faster during storage than those with synthetic bristles, our studies show. The mechanized toothbrushes appear to have more potential to produce injury such as gum laceration because of the high power and speed.”

High-tech brush: Steven Goldy, Beverly Hills general and cosmetic dentist.

“I recommend Interplak for people who have trouble with traditional toothbrushes. It’s the only electric toothbrush I recommend because it’s the only one that simulates proper toothbrushing motion. It gets under the gum line more easily than a traditional toothbrush. Brushing the teeth and gums at the proper angle is important. It should be 45 degrees. With Interplak, achieving that angle isn’t that crucial because the bristles move so rapidly and can work their way under the gum to remove plaque.

“Brushing takes time, dedication and dexterity. Most people brush their teeth in 30 seconds. We should take three to five minutes. People love toys and gimmicks and if (an electric brush) gets them to brush their teeth more, great.”
