
FILLMORE : New Member Picked for Land Use Board

A new representative has been elected to the Valley Advisory Committee, a group formed last year to study land use in the Fillmore-Piru area.

At a meeting Wednesday in Fillmore, Joanne King, who has served on Fillmore Unified School District’s Board of Trustees for seven years, was selected to serve on the 16-member board. King replaces Jim Shiells, who was seeking reelection. Shiells is a La Canada resident whose family operates a large agricultural operation east of Fillmore.

The group also heard a presentation from Supervisor Maggie Erickson Kildee, who promised to work to get official county recognition for the committee.


The audience of about 75 heard a brief presentation on Southern Pacific Milling Co.’s proposal to mine gravel on 500 acres in a greenbelt west of Fillmore.

Spokesman Bret Braden said the company plans to replant mined areas in citrus groves and increase wildlife habitat by expanding wetlands around a creek on the property.

The presentation did not mention the company’s plan to supplement the mining operation with concrete and asphalt plants.
