
GARDEN GROVE : Proposed Office Building in Doubt

A planned office building may be dropped from a redevelopment project scheduled for a site near Haster Street and Garden Grove Boulevard.

The City Council heard a report this week about the status of the planned 5.5-acre project, which originally was to include a five-story hotel, a restaurant, a three-story office building and a two-story retail building linking the hotel and offices. The project is to be built by National Capital Development Corp. of San Dimas.

“Due to the state of the economy and the softness of the office market,” said David E. Belmer, project manager for the city, “the developer doubts his ability to proceed with the office tower within the next two to three years.”


While demand for the hotel space remains strong, Belmer said, the developer wants 60 days to consider another use for the two acres where the office building was to have been built.
