
Gulf Weather

Average high and low temperatures* and inches or rain: Kuwait city, Kuwait

H L Rain Feb. 65 51 .9” March 72 59 1.1” April 83 68 0.2” May 94 77 0” June 98 82 0” July 103 86 0”

Basra, Iraq

H L Rain Feb. 68 48 1.1” March 75 55 1.2” April 85 63 1.2” May 95 76 0.2” June 100 81 0” July 104 81 0”

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

H L Rain Feb. 73 48 0.8” March 82 56 0.9” April 89 64 1.0” May 100 72 0.4” June 107 77 0” July 107 78 0”


* Inland desert temperatures range 10 degrees higher and 10 degrees lower.

Source: Penn. State University
