
Baby Boom Burden

The baby boom of “unexpected magnitude” now creating a crisis at the Ventura County Medical Center (Ventura County Edition, Feb. 24) is causing an undue burden not only on the staff but the taxpayers. If the birthrate continues to rise, reaching 4,000 births by 1992, measures should be implemented to reduce or at least stabilize this birth glut.

Socially responsible behavior is the solution. Family planning information should be provided to these women who obviously are not fully informed about the social, economic and environmental ramifications of a runaway birthrate.

This nonstop, round-the-clock birthing dilemma at the medical center could be averted by allowing common sense to prevail. If the growing number of women taking advantage of our medical system (many poor immigrants from Mexico and Central America) continues to rise, it will be the taxpayers who will pay for this deplorable, socially irresponsible behavior.



Westlake Village
