
FILLMORE : School Board OKs Employees’ Contract

A contract between Fillmore Unified School District and the California School Employees Assn. was ratified Tuesday by the board of trustees. The agreement for the 1990-91 school year concludes negotiations that began officially last December.

About 140 employees in the six-school district accepted less than they had requested in salary and health benefits but won concessions on sick leave and promotions. Association members are those employees who do not require teaching credentials, including classroom aides, secretaries, bus drivers and maintenance workers.

Assistant Supt. Robert Kernen said the association had already agreed to a 4% pay raise last fall because the district could not afford the requested 5% increase. The group had also proposed lifting a ceiling on health benefit payments, but that was denied.


Traditionally, Fillmore Unified has paid all medical coverage costs up to $3,200 annually per employee. Insurance rates rose above that cap in 1990, and for the first time, school employees will pay for part of their benefits. Costs will range from $600 to $1,300 a year, depending on the kind of coverage.

However, the revised contract allows employees latitude in use of sick leave, including for “personal necessity.”

The agreement also includes a provision to let employees return to their original assignments if they fail to complete a six-month probationary period in a new position after a promotion or transfer.
