
Values Questioned in School Bond Vote

How do you spell hypocrisy?


Three years ago Santa Clarita had a vote to increase taxes to help pay for much-needed schools. It passed easily.

But before the citizens of Santa Clarita are congratulated for their integrity, let us note the victorious tax was levied only on builders of new construction. These citizens were not taxing themselves but anyone who dared enter their neighborhoods. Thus the cost of new homes was higher and the voting homeowners had an additional benefit by automatically increasing their own property values.

How convenient. The new homeowners are stuck paying for schools that everyone’s children will use.


Recently, residents of a wealthier neighborhood in Valencia--part of Santa Clarita--overwhelmingly defeated a bond measure to build a new school by a vote of 1,001 to 44. This time, the tax would have been paid by the actual voters.

My, how times change. There were many excuses on why the 1,001 voted no. Recession, times are hard, the new BMW was just delivered and the payments will be steep, etc., etc.

Studying the two examples shows a sad failure in the democratic process, which assumes voters will vote for what’s right and not for what’s best for them at the time.


I feel sorry for the 44 who voted for what is right but must endure living in a neighborhood that has screwed-up values. As for the 1,001 who voted against the tax, especially those with children, there are a few things more important than your sons’ and daughters’ educations and a BMW is not one of them.

You get a D- in citizenship.


Sherman Oaks
