
Navy Signs Contracts for Trident Missiles

<i> United Press International</i>

The Navy has signed contracts worth nearly $1 billion for 52 Trident 2 missiles for its newest class of ballistic missile submarine.

The contracts went to Hughes Aircraft Co. of El Segundo, Lockheed Missile and Space Co. of Sunnyvale, Calif., and Raytheon Co. of Sudbury, Mass.

The eight-warhead missiles will be deployed on the 18 Ohio-class Trident submarines the Navy expects to have by the time the submarine program is completed. Funds for the final submarine are in the fiscal 1992 defense budget. Earlier versions will be retrofitted to handle the new undersea missile.


Lockheed Missile and Space got the largest contract--$757 million. Three-fourths of the Lockheed work will be performed in Sunnyvale and the rest at Kings Bay, Ga., where some of the submarines are based.
