
Story on Military ‘Expert’ Draws Fire at KNX, Reporter

Re “Lightbody: A Self-Made ‘Expert’ on the Military” by Mark I. Pinsky, Calendar on April 1:

Kudos to Lightbody. He only substantiated and reinforced what a lot of us knew before his “unveiling” . . . nobody’s easier to con than CBS/KNX and they’re more than willing to pass it on to their listeners.

Good ol’ Andy’s lying about his grad status from Loyola was bad enough, but lots of bogus experts and con artists do that. However, the other one about Lightbody being a “former Air Force fighter pilot,” as proclaimed every time his spot was announced on air time, well, that riles me.


KNX and in particular their news director Bob Sims were duped by this so-called “military expert.” Even after learning of their being party to what amounts to fraud, they perpetuated the lie over the airwaves.

Nice going, guys. Is it any wonder why those of us who have served in the military are doubly suspicious when dealing with CBS and their affiliates, news-wise?


San Clemente
