

The South Coast Air Quality Management District has responsibility to control air pollution. It can seek court-imposed fines against polluters of from $25 to $25,000 a day based on such factors as the extent that emissions exceed legal limits, potential danger to the public, whether the violation was intentional, accidental or due to negligence, and the company’s history of violations. These are the 10 top penalties in January:

COMPANY: Admont Inc., Los Angeles

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Polyurethane and wood frame manufacturer

PENALTY: $25,000

VIOLATION: Failure to keep coating and solvent usage records for eight spray-painting booths.

COMPANY: SCI Manufacturing, Chatsworth

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Computer and communication component manufacturer

PENALTY: $20,000

VIOLATION: Exceeding solvent usage limits on a de-greaser.

COMPANY: University of Southern California, Los Angeles

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Four-year college

PENALTY: $20,000

VIOLATION: Periodically testing and operating five internal combustion backup generators without permits to operate.


COMPANY: Wells Marine, Costa Mesa

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Military projectile manufacturer

PENALTY: $20,000

VIOLATION: Excessive hydrocarbons from operating spray-painting equipment.

COMPANY: Anaheim Foundry Co., Anaheim

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Metal and plastic pipe manufacturer

PENALTY: $15,000

VIOLATION: Excessive visible emissions from a filtered furnace; operating without a valid permit.

COMPANY: Air Industries Corp., Garden Grove

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Manufacturer of aerospace fasteners

PENALTY: $14,000

VIOLATION: Improper handling of hydrocarbon-contaminated material; exceeding oven temperature limits; operating a spray-painting booth contrary to permit conditions.

COMPANY: Ultramar Inc., Wilmington


PENALTY: $12,500

VIOLATION: Faulty seals; excessive carbon monoxide emissions in boiler gas; valve leaks on a pump discharge line; public nuisance violation due to odors.


COMPANY: Kirk Plastic, Rancho Dominguez

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Plastic card manufacturer

PENALTY: $12,000

VIOLATION: An approximate four-month failure to submit an AQMD-approved ride-sharing plan.

COMPANY: Blue Diamond Materials, Torrance

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Asphalt batch plant

PENALTY: $10,000

VIOLATION: Excessive particulate emissions.

COMPANY: Harte-Hanks California CDM, Brea

TYPE OF BUSINESS: Publisher of shopper’s guide

PENALTY: $10,000

VIOLATION: Failure to submit an updated AQMD-approved ride-sharing plan.
