
A Kurdish Holocaust

During these Days of Remembrance leading up to Yom Hashoah, we (the board of directors of the Jewish Federation of Orange County) are reminded of the 6 million Jews who perished in Holocaust--a tragic consequence of a world that remained silent as Jews were transported to concentration camps to be exterminated. Our experience as a people has sensitized us forever to the policies and practices that threaten genocide against other national, ethnic and religious groups. We know the necessity to speak out clearly and forcefully whenever such threats arise.

Saddam Hussein, beaten on the battlefields in the Persian Gulf, has now turned his wrath against Iraq’s Kurdish population, committing unspeakable atrocities in gross violation of human rights. We cannot remain silent!

We applaud the Bush Administration for joining with other countries in providing initial humanitarian assistance.


In with our tradition of speaking out against evil, the Jewish Federation of Orange County calls upon all people of goodwill to join us in speaking out on behalf of the Kurds who now exist under desperate conditions and in constant fear for their lives.


Jewish Federation of Orange County
