
Orange : Chapman’s Poetry Fest Opens Monday

The Chapman College 1991 Poetry Festival opens Monday night with a lecture and reading by poet Robert Creeley.

The event is scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Waltmar Theatre.

Creeley published his first collection of poetry, “Le Fou,” in 1952. His other works include “For Love: Poems 1950-60,” “Words,” “A Day Book,” “The Gold Diggers,” “Presences: A Test for Marisol,” “Away,” and “Selected Poems.”

A poetry reading featuring Chapman faculty and students will be held at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Wilkinson Hall Humanities Lounge. Faculty poets Terri B. Joseph, Tom Massey and Martin Nakell, selected students and other local poets will be featured readers.


At 8 p.m. on Thursday, the Laguna Poets will present a reading by Lyn Lifshin in Hashinger Hall.

The festival is sponsored by the School of Communication Arts and the Department of English.

Admission is free. For information, contact the English Department at (714) 997-6750.
