
Need True Reform of Workers’ Comp Law

We in the employer community agree with Harry Bernstein’s column, “Care Needed in Workers’ Comp Reform” (April 2), that the benefits for injured workers should be increased. But, at the same time, we must eliminate the abuses caused by the parasites of the industry--the attorneys, forensic doctors and some of those in the rehabilitation sector.

When you consider that this was designed to be a “no-fault” system, and then see the amount of money sucked out by these middlemen, it is clear that we must have true reform that will concentrate the benefits on the injured worker and eliminate the waste.

Here’s an interesting example of the medical costs: We can send an employee to the Mayo Clinic or to Scripps for a complete executive physical and pay $600 to $700. A simple back exam by a “non-treating” forensic medical doctor for a workers’ comp case costs an average of $1,500.


Who is getting the shaft here? Both the employers, who are paying the bills (California’s are the third highest in the country), and the injured workers, who are not being sufficiently compensated (benefits in the state rank 34th in the nation).


The writer is executive vice president human resources, public affairs and administration for Thrifty Corp.
