
It’s All History, So Give Columbus Credit

Just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water, along comes another article about Christopher Columbus.

Anyone determined to date his American landfall needs to consider the fact that our modern Cesarean calendar was not operative in the Spain of Columbus’ time, much less on the Santa Maria. Writer Garry Abrams’ timetable (Oct. 11, 1492) could be as much as 16 days off.

Also: Columbus was reportedly buried in his home town of Genoa, Italy, by his brother, underneath what is now a traffic circle. Grenada, Spain, also claims him, under a prominent fountain. Columbus died in Spain, and an elaborate inscription on the floor of the cathedral at Seville proclaims that he is buried there. His bones are said to lie beneath the rectory of a church in Santo Domingo, Haiti, while other records place him under the ramparts of a local lighthouse.


Before our nation celebrates Columbus’ discovery of America, we should first make an attempt to discover Columbus.

Where is this guy?


Los Angeles
