
Venice : Restrictions on Rebecca’s

The Los Angeles Board of Zoning Appeals is expected Tuesday to place a series of restrictions on the operations at Rebecca’s restaurant as a result of a long-running dispute between the trendy eatery and some of its Venice neighbors.

A vote had been scheduled for this week but was postponed when board members asked for clarification of the conditions of operation that they intend to impose on the restaurant.

The board previously gave preliminary approval to a series of rules that would require Rebecca’s to provide free parking and valet parking; stop valets from blocking streets and driveways; prohibit dancing and live entertainment; move trash bins from an alley to the restaurant’s parking structure, and provide a 24-hour hot line for complaints from the community.


Neighbors have protested that, among other things, the restaurant at 2025 Pacific Ave. tangled traffic and fouled the air with smells from its trash bins. A city zoning administrator recommended against revoking Rebecca’s operating permit, instead suggesting the conditions.

The restaurant’s operation will be reviewed in one year and, if it is not complying with the rules, it could be closed down.
