
SANTA ANA : Budget Projects OKd by Commission

The completion of the Bowers Museum renovation, property acquisition for a new police headquarters and jail, and neighborhood street and sidewalk improvements are among the projects approved Tuesday for funding by the Community Redevelopment Commission.

The redevelopment budget, which now goes to the City Council for approval, totals $65.6 million, a decrease of $850,000 from the current budget.

During an earlier work session on the spending plan, the staff said more emphasis will be placed in the coming year on public improvements in six existing redevelopment project areas.


“The capital projects reflect a decrease in agency-developer activity, given the state of the economy” the budget summary states. “However, they reflect a large increase in infrastructure-related improvements.”

Also listed in the budget is the early planning for a citywide redevelopment area--to include neighborhoods not already covered by the existing projects--in an effort to raise money during the next three decades for city and school facilities.

Through redevelopment, bonds are sold to finance capital improvements. If the total assessed tax valuation in the redevelopment area increases, the additional revenues go to the city’s Redevelopment Agency to repay the debt.


The budget approved by the redevelopment commission includes repairs to streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters in residential neighborhoods totaling $3.6 million.

Other capital projects include early planning for a museum district to encourage office and commercial development near the Bowers Museum; the construction of soccer fields, restrooms and other facilities at Centennial Park; and a $700,000 study in the South Main project area to develop the site of the Sears, Roebuck & Co. store that closed earlier this year.
