
OXNARD : School Board Funds 4 Mentor Teachers

Despite budget problems handed down from the state, the Oxnard Elementary School District board made four appointments to the Mentor Teacher Program on Wednesday night.

The appointments, made at the board’s biweekly meeting, bring to 25 the number of mentor teachers in the district, said district administrator Jeanne Adams.

Funding for the program has been eliminated by the state, but Adams said the district had enough funding left over from the old school year for two new positions. Money for the other two positions came from other districts that decided not to use previous mentor teacher funds.


Mentor teachers receive about $6,000 a year, $2,000 of which is used for supplies or field trips, Adams said. In return, teachers spend 200 hours a year on the program.

Adams said the Mentor Teacher Program was begun in an attempt to keep “master teachers” in the classroom rather than lose them to administration. In the Oxnard district, master teachers are assigned to help new teachers adjust to the classroom.

Mentor teachers provide everything from advice to classroom demonstrations.

Although funding for the program is not yet included in the newest state budget, Adams said there are indications that the Legislature may reverse itself and allocate funds to continue the program.
