

MOMENTS OF FAVOR by Daniel Bergner (Simon & Schuster: $18.95; 210 pp.). This author asked “What if . . . ?” and set about answering his own rhetorical question. The protagonist, Peter, nurtures a self-conscious friendship with an insufferably ultra-famous personage, the young son of a U.S. President-elect who tragically died before taking office. Michael, the oh-so-famous son, is, of course, destined for politics. All through college, Peter went to great lengths to prove he wasn’t impressed by Michael. But when Michael comes to value Peter as a true friend, Peter gives up everything for the proximity to power. Even Peter’s own girlfriend seems attracted to him because of Michael, and Peter hardly blames her. This novel offers an interesting confession of shallow truths regarding what it might be like to play a supporting role in one’s own life.
