
No-Fault Insurance

How very altruistic of Ian Herzog, president of the California Trial Lawyers Assn. (letter, June 15) and how reassuring to hear that he and his ambulance-chasing group are in fact only interested in the well-being of us naive California drivers. It is indeed refreshing to know that they stand there ready to get us big bucks if (as he so picturesquely puts it) our child should be beheaded in the car while sitting beside us.

Come off it, Mr. Herzog. Your example is not only far-fetched, but if that is the only gap in insurance you can come up with in a no-fault auto insurance program, then let’s get no-fault going now. Don’t tell me that you masters of legal jargon cannot come up with some no-fault wording that will cover the beheading of my child in the car without my having to pay $2,000 a year in auto premiums in order to maintain the lifestyles of a privileged and parasitic group, who in a short 20-year span has forced on all of us huge increases in the cost of auto, health and workers’ compensation insurance and practically every manufactured product we purchase.

