
Gang Shooting Kills Bystander

One man was killed and another wounded early Sunday morning, innocent victims of a gang-related shooting at a taco shop in Southeast San Diego, police said.

The incident occurred at 1:50 a.m. at the Cotija Taco Shop near Euclid and Imperial avenues, according to the police report. Witnesses told officers that the shooting was prompted by a confrontation between a black gang member and two Filipino gang members.

Police said the three exchanged gang signs and angry words, and that the black gang member left. He returned minutes later with a fellow gang member, and shots were fired at the Filipinos, police said. Rodney Schultz, 20, thought to be a Filipino gang member, was shot in the left leg and taken to UC San Diego Medical Center, police said.


A hospital spokeswoman said Schultz was in fair condition Sunday night. Police said his companion, who was not identified, escaped unhurt.

When police arrived at the scene, they found Kirk H. Marbury, 28, shot in the head and abdomen. He was taken to Mercy Hospital, where he died at 2:39 a.m. Police said Marbury was an innocent victim of the shooting.

About an hour after the shooting, police were summoned to the Naval Hospital in Balboa Park, where another shooting victim had been taken. When investigators arrived, they were told that Zachary Golson, 31, had been taken to the hospital by his wife.


Golson, believed to be in the Navy, was shot in the arm, abdomen and leg, police said. Investigators said he too was an innocent victim in the the confrontation between rival gangs.

On Sunday night, Navy and hospital officials refused to confirm that Golson is in the Navy or release any information about his condition.
