
Where Have All Raider Fans Gone?

Next time you are at a Raider game, look around and you will notice what is missing: kids. Simply put, it is no longer a safe and sane place to take a child on a Sunday afternoon and so families seek recreation elsewhere.

Instead of debating the Raider offense, Al Davis needs to assess the safety factor: On average, there is a minimum of five fights per game and heaven help anyone who might be rooting for the other team. Further, many of the fans are abusive both in terms of public drunkenness and foul language.

Davis’ team are the bad boys of pro football and that’s what is showing up at his football games. The reality of life, Al, is that you cannot attract the bad boys to the games and expect the middle-class family folks to show up as well.


The Raiders have gone from a blue-collar team to a no-collar team and if that is the market they want to appeal to, why ponder the question of where the rest of us have gone: We’re in Anaheim watching the Rams.


