
Pacific Palisades : Latchkey Kids Fund-Raiser

A tennis tournament to benefit what its sponsors label “latchkey kids with money”--teen-agers with nothing to do who roam the affluent community and abuse drugs and alcohol--will be held Saturday on private courts scattered throughout the area.

The first annual CAPPY Classic, named for its backer, Citizens Assisting Pacific Palisades Youth, will be followed by a cocktail party and buffet awards dinner at the Summit Club in the Palisades Highlands, with celebrities and prizes.

To participate in the games, call 454-9860. For information about the dinner, call 454-0893.


Joan Graves, a CAPPY founder, said that volunteers have offered to instruct, counsel and oversee activities for young Palisades residents but that money is needed to pay for the programs and open a teen center within walking distance for them.
