
‘Cape Fear’ Signals a Disturbing Trend

I hail Kenneth Turan’s review of “Cape Fear” (“Scorsese’s Way With a BadFella,” Nov. 13) as a milestone in socially responsible journalism.

The public has grown so numb that it turns to the intense sadism of “Cape Fear” to feel anything at all. A generation raised on “Rambo,” “Terminator,” “Alien” and scores of “horror” movies will not be content with yesterday’s dose of evil. “More, more, more!” is the insatiable cry.

The legacy of such unlimited free speech, unhampered by consideration of its consequences, is a consciousness where death has no significance, suffering has no meaning, love is nonexistent, hatred is glorified and life is not worth living. Unless we begin to evaluate our entertainment on a moral basis, this is where we will find ourselves.


LEE F. NELSONSan Juan Capistrano

