
Michael Milken

Ferne Milken’s letter (Nov. 20), defending her billionaire son Michael Milken, a convicted felon who pleaded guilty and got 10 years in prison for his junk-bond maneuverings, requires an objective response.

We’re all now living with the economic consequences of her son’s stock market machinations, let alone the adversity and destruction that devastated those who are currently suing him, most notably his former employer.

Michael Milken not greedy? That’s a laugh. The Foundations of the Milken Families were funded by his ill-gotten billions, and it’s sickening to read about all their “good deeds” as he desperately tries to get his 10-year sentence reduced.


Any ordinary man or woman without Milken’s battery of lawyers would have gotten many more years in the slammer for like crimes.


Sun Valley
