
A Country of Immigrants

In response to Owen H. O’Neill Jr.’s letter on “Angry Latino Leaders Decry Gallegly’s Proposal,” Nov. 14, I regarded it as outright humorous. He makes it seem as if all Latinos are illegal. That’s funny. Those Latino politicians, or American citizens if you will, are not trying to divide and conquer. They simply are trying to protect the rights of the unfortunate. Anything else would truly be un-American.

America has always been and will always be a country of immigrants. O’Neill mentions that he’s a seventh-generation Californian. That in itself is funny. That would mean that his ancestors who first came to California were illegal aliens--since California and the Southwest, as we all know, belonged to Mexico. It looks like you put your foot in your mouth, O’Neill. Don’t tell the people of California to wake up. The smart citizens of this state are very much awake. You’re the one that should wake up and smell the churros .


