
The Cost of Living

The Times’ monthly survey of the cost of goods and services commonly purchased by Southern California residents found several changes in November. Notable among them were a continued increase in the price of broccoli, a drop in the price of potatoes and the return of the navel orange. The Times surveys the same five Southland markets at the end of each month to compile a snapshot of consumer prices in area grocery stores.

Highlight: Potato prices continued to drop--as the harvest season continues, availability increases and stores discount prices. The biggest change, however, was in citrus offerings in Southland produce departments. For the first time this year, navel oranges returned in abundance. When the “Arctic Express” swooped into the California citrus belt Dec. 19--early into the harvest--most of the navel crop was destroyed; the oranges had disappeared from the shelves by January.


July Nov. % Chg. Rent (2-bedroom, unfurnished apartment) $931.54 $934.86 **

Utilities (Monthly residential average provided by the utilities.)

July Nov. % Chg. Natural gas $21.29 $47.82 +124% Telephone $27.69 $27.69 unchg.


July Nov. % Chg. DWP (400 kwh) $36.74 $36.74 unchg. Southern California Edison (500 kwh) $60.81 $56.61 -7% Water and sewer $38.69 $38.69 unchg. Water (DWP) $24.99 $24.99 unchg.



Oct. Nov. % Chg. Chicken (per lb., best of fryer cut up) $1.59 $1.85 +16% 13-oz. can of coffee $2.30 $2.29 -5% 1 dz. eggs (grade AA large) $1.88 $1.83 -3% 24-oz. wheat bread $1.79* $2.03 +13 1 lb. pinto beans $0.5” $0.54 +2% 10-lb. bag of potatoes $1.75 $1.35* -33% Navel oranges (per lb.) $*** $0.93 1 gal. homogenized milk $2.55 $2.55 unchg. 1 lb. broccoli (fresh) $0.79 $0.81 +3% 8-oz. package of chocolate candy $1.78 $1.79 ** Six-pack beer (12-oz. cans) $4.21 $4.25 +1% 1 doz. corn tortillas $0.45 $0.45 unchg. 10-lb. bag dry dog food $6.59 $6.47 -2% Super concentrated detergent (30-load) $7.55 $7.51 -1% Toilet tissue (four-roll package) $1.56 $1.42 -9%

Eating out

Oct. Nov. % Chg. Fast-food cheeseburger $0.89 $0.89 unchg.

Other goods and services

Oct. Nov. % Chg. 1 gal gas. (unleaded self-serve) $1.035 $1.055 +2% Three-pack, boys Size 12 cotton briefs $3.96 $3.96 unchg. Dry cleaning, man’s two-piece suit $7.34 $7.34 unchg. Professional drain cleaning $44.56 $44.56 unchg. Manicure 7.60 $7.60 unchg.

* Includes at least one sale price.

** Less than 1% change.

*** Out of season.
