
Winter Camps

<i> Compiled from information provided by the Los Angeles Unified School District, the 31st District PTSA Latchkey Project, YMCA, Valley College and United Way. </i>

Child-care options for San Fernando Valley families with children on winter vacation Dec. 23 to Feb. 13:

* Youth Services Playground:

Program runs Jan. 6 to Feb. 13. Hours vary.

The Los Angeles Unified School District will provide free, supervised play activities at most schools closed for the winter intersession. Children may participate in the program at any elementary or junior high school where it is offered. Enrollment is not required. Call the school for information or go to the site Jan. 6 and after.

Elementary schools from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Anatola (818) 343-8733, Andasol (818) 349-8631, Balboa (818) 349-4801, Beckford (818) 360-1924, Bertrand (818) 342-1103, Blythe (818) 345-4066, Burton (818) 908-1287, Brainard (818) 899-5241.


Calabash (818) 346-4423, Calahan (818) 886-4612, Calvert (818) 347-2681, Cantara (818) 342-5191, Canterbury (818) 892-1104, Capistrano (818) 883-8981, Carpenter (818) 761-4363, Castlebay Lane (818) 360-1908, Chandler (818) 789-6173, Chase (818) 892-4329, Chatsworth Park (818) 341-1371, Cohasset (818) 787-2113, Colfax (818) 761-5115.

Danube (818) 366-6463, Darby (818) 360-1824, Dearborn (818) 349-4381, Dixie Canyon (818) 784-6283, El Oro Way (818) 360-2288, Emelita (818) 342-6353, Encino (818) 784-1762, Erwin (818) 988-6292.

Fullbright (818) 340-6677, Gault (818) 343-1933, Germain (818) 341-5821, Gledhill (818) 894-1151, Glenwood (818) 767-6406, Granada (818) 363-3188, Hamlin (818) 348-4741, Haskell (818) 366-6431, Herrick (818) 367-1864, Justice (818) 346-4388, Kester (818) 787-6751, Kittridge (818) 786-7926, Knollwood (818) 363-9558.


Lanai Road (818) 788-1590, Lassen (818) 892-8618, Lemay (818) 343-4696, Liggett (818) 892-4388, Limerick (818) 341-1730, Lockhurst (818) 888-5280, Lorne (818) 342-3123, Mayall (818) 363-5058, Melvin (818) 886-7171, Monlux (818) 763-5071, Mountain View (818) 352-1616.

Nestle (818) 342-6148, Nevada (818) 348-2169, Plainview (818) 353-1730, Pomelo (818) 887-9700, Reseda (818) 343-1312, Rio Vista (818) 761-6147, Riverside (818) 990-4525, San Jose (818) 365-3218, Saticoy (818) 765-0783, Serrania (818) 340-6700, Sherman Oaks (818) 784-8283, Shirley (818) 342-6183, Stagg (818) 881-9850, Stonehurst (818) 767-8014, Sunland (818) 353-1631, Sunny Brae (818) 341-0931, Superior (818) 349-1410.

Tarzana (818) 881-1424, Toluca Lake (818) 761-3339, Topanga (213) 455-3711, Topeka Drive (818) 886-2266, Tulsa (818) 363-5061, Valley View (213) 851-0020, Van Gogh (818) 360-2141, Vanalden (818) 342-5131, Vena (818) 896-9551, Vintage (818) 892-8661.


Welby Way (818) 348-1975, Wilbur (818) 345-1090, Winnetka (818) 341-5422, Woodlake (818) 347-7097, Woodland Hills (818) 347-9220.

Elementary schools from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Broadous (818) 896-5236, Gridley (818) 361-1243, Haddon (818) 899-0244, Hubbard (818) 367-1944, Morningside (818) 365-7181, O’Melveny (818) 365-5621, Plummer (818) 895-2481, San Fernando (818) 365-3201, Vaughn (818) 896-7461.

Junior highs from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Frost (818) 360-2146, Fulton (818) 785-8624, Hale (818) 346-1851, Henry (818) 363-7401, Lawrence (818) 882-1214, Maclay (818) 899-7492, Madison (818) 765-7796, Millikan (818) 788-5020, Mt. Gleason (818) 352-1466, Northridge (818) 885-8253, Olive Vista (818) 367-1071, Pacoima (818) 889-5291, Parkman (818) 348-8770, Portola (818) 342-6173, Sun Valley (818) 765-3010.

Junior highs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Byrd (818) 767-9550, Columbus (818) 348-5601, Holmes (818) 886-3404, Mulholland (818) 345-5446, Noble (818) 349-4200, Porter (818) 891-1807, Reed (818) 762-0691, San Fernando (818) 361-0181, Sepulveda (818) 892-3151, Sutter (818) 341-6661, Van Nuys (818) 785-5475.

* PTSA Latchkey Project:

Program runs from Dec. 23 to Feb. 12.

The 31st District PTSA Latchkey Project is a tuition program offered from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays. Tuition varies. Children may attend the program at other schools on a space-available basis. Registered drop-ins will be accepted on a space-available basis for $20 per day.

Arts and crafts, indoor and outdoor play, as well as semi-structured academic activities are included. The program is offered at the following schools. Call the PTSA Latchkey Project at (818) 996-2668 or the school for information.


Calvert Street School, 19850 Delano St., Woodland Hills, (818) 883-9608.

Colfax Avenue School, 11724 Addison St., North Hollywood, (818) 508-4358.

Darby Avenue School, 10818 Darby Ave., Northridge (also for Andasol Avenue and Knollwood School), (818) 360-4203.

Dearborn Street School, 9240 Wish Ave., Northridge, (818) 993-0554.

Emelita Street School, 17931 Hatteras St., Encino, (818) 705-6643.

Kester Avenue School, 5353 Kester Ave., Van Nuys, (818) 780-7401.

Lorne Street School, 17440 Lorne St., Northridge (also for Gault Street School), (818) 609-8946.

Nestle Avenue School, 5060 Nestle Ave., Tarzana, (818) 705-5929.

Pomelo Drive School, 7633 March Ave., Canoga Park, (818) 347-2548.

* YMCA Mid-Valley:

Program runs from Dec. 23 to Feb. 13.

A winter camp will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays at Chandler, Dixie Canyon, Kittridge, Lassen and Sherman Oaks elementary schools. Activities include field trips, swimming, crafts and games. Tuition varies. Call (818) 989-3800.

* YMCA San Fernando:

Program runs from Jan. 6 to Feb. 14.

A winter camp will be held from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. weekdays at Beckford, Castlebay Lane, Danube, Dyer, Germain, Granada, Hubbard, San Jose and Van Gogh elementary schools. Camp includes arts and crafts, youth fitness and field trips. Tuition varies. Call (818) 365-3231.

* Other programs at elementary schools:

Anatola: Creative World, a private group, offers supervised care and field trips for Anatola students from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Call (818) 342-3611.

Cohasset: A free, federally funded lunch will be offered weekdays Jan. 6 to Feb. 7 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for community children ages 1 to 18. Call (818) 787-2113.


Topanga: A parent-sponsored program, the Star Ship Winter program, offers computer classes, science, arts, drama, and arts and crafts. Two sessions, Jan. 6 to 24 and Jan. 27 to Feb. 7, will be held 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Call (213) 455-3711.

Welby: The parent-sponsored Booster Club will offer enrichment classes from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Jan. 6 to 31. Classes include ballet, chess and musical theater. Call (818) 348-1975.

Calabash: The University of California Cooperative Extension offers extended day care and day camp. Extended day care is available 7 to 9 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m. Day camp is held 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The program includes science, arts and crafts, and recreation activities. Tuition varies. Call (818) 346-4423.

* Programs off campus:

Valley College: The college’s community services department will hold winter day camp Jan. 6 to Feb. 13 for children 5 to 14 years old. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with extended day care from 7:15 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. at no additional charge. Tuition is $96 per week. Activities in the sports-oriented program include gymnastics, basketball, tennis, soccer, golf, volleyball and swimming as well as such activities as arts and crafts, field trips and movies. The program is housed in the Field House on the Ethel Avenue side of the campus, 5800 Fulton Ave. Registration begins Dec. 23. Call (818) 988-3911.

Private: For information about community and private programs offered off campus, contact the United Way at (818) 908-5026 for a list of programs compiled by schools and the United Way. The United Way is at 6851 Lennox Ave., Van Nuys.
