
BREA : City Won’t Hike Fees for Building Services

Afraid of turning away future development, the City Council this week refused to raise a variety of fees for building services, despite warnings that the city could end up in the red in providing those services.

The proposal, which has been in the works for several months and had staff backing, was unanimously killed by the council before a vote was taken. Siding with a recommendation from the Chamber of Commerce, council members expressed fears that increased fees could scare away business.

“This is the wrong time to implement any new fees,” said Councilman Carrey J. Nelson. “With the economy the way it is, it is not the right time.”


Under the plan, several new fees would have been added and existing ones increased. Proponents said the new and increased fees were necessary to keep up with the cost of doing business. Out of 29 cities in Orange County, Brea ranks 21st in how much communities charge for building services, such as blueprint checks and inspections.

According to city projections, the costs of providing those services are greater than what is currently being charged. A $100,000 deficit could result this year and grow even greater in the future, officials said.

“We felt that given what we perceived as a potential deficit, these were the things we could do to prevent it,” said Ron Kishpaugh, a building-plan reviewer, adding that the last time the fees were updated was in 1982.


If necessary, the money needed to close the gap in expenses for building services will be taken out of the general fund, city officials said. The council is expected to consider the matter again during the budget review process.
