
OXNARD : Bank Robbers Fit Same Description

Two Oxnard banks were robbed Monday within a one-hour period by men who fit the same description, Oxnard police said.

Security Pacific Bank on South A Street and California Federal Bank on Saviers Road were both robbed by men described by employees and customers as acne-scarred and with bushy mustaches, Sgt. Ken Nishihara said.

However, a second man was present during one of the robberies and not the other, Nishihara said.


“It might just be a coincidence,” he said of the robberies, which occurred about two miles apart.

The first robbery was at 11:20 a.m. at Security Pacific Bank, where a man presented a note to the teller and got about $600 in cash, Nishihara said.

At noon, two men entered California Federal Bank, produced a note, and fled with an undisclosed amount of cash, Nishihara said. A bank teller’s description of one of the men matched that of the suspect in the earlier robbery.
