
One Europe: The Dream of Unity : How Popular Is Unity?

In general, are you for or against efforts being made to unify western Europe?

Country Very much for To some extent for Against Don’t know Portugal 54 30 4 13 Greece 47 35 8 11 Ireland 44 35 8 12 Italy 43 46 5 7 Spain 42 41 6 11 Germany 32 48 14 7 Britain 27 41 22 11 Luxembourg 26 48 18 8 Belguim 25 55 9 9 France 24 55 12 9 Netherlands 23 53 18 6 Denmark 22 44 33 4

Source: Eurobarometer 36 - autumn 1991.

Note: Figures may not add up to 100% due to rounding.
