
COUNTYWIDE : Recycling Old Phone Books to Save Trees

Ventura County residents will be able to save an estimated 15,000 trees by recycling old telephone directories under a countywide program this month.

For the third year, county recycling officials are coordinating a telephone book recycling program scheduled at the same time local telephone companies deliver new directories, said David Goldstein, a county waste management analyst.

All 10 cities and several unincorporated areas are participating with Pacific Bell and local garbage haulers in the recycling effort, which will run through April 30, Goldstein said.


Officials estimate that Ventura County residents discard 463,000 telephone directories each year. Recycling the phone books would save an estimated 15,742 trees, plus 6.5 million gallons of water and 351,880 gallons of oil used in the manufacturing process, officials estimate.

About 5,500 directories, or 11 tons, were recycled last year, Goldstein said.

To participate, residents who have a recycling pickup service at their homes should put the phone books with their other recyclables. Businesses and other residents can take their phone books to any of the drop-off points around the county.

For locations of drop-off points, call the nearest City Hall. Channel Islands residents may call the Channel Islands Community Services District at 985-6021.
