
MONTEREY PARK : Settlement for Cleanup of Landfill Approved

A settlement has been formally approved under which 178 companies and government agencies that dumped hazardous waste at a Monterey Park landfill will pay $130 million to help clean up the site.

The amount almost triples the money already paid by private parties to remove potentially harmful gases and other pollutants from the Operating Industries Inc. dump, which was shut down in 1984 after years of complaints about odors. The settlement was reached in December.

Among the larger companies settling are Exxon, Chevron and Atlantic Richfield oil companies. Times Mirror Co., which owns the Los Angeles Times, also was among the companies that settled.


The 190-acre site was placed on the federal Superfund list of severe environmental dangers in 1986. Environmental Protection Agency officials vowed then to track down companies believed to be responsible for the cleanup.

The $130-million settlement was entered Monday in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.
