
STAGE REVIEW : ‘Fantasticks’ Problem Is No Mystery : The musical’s charming celebration of the miracle of love is lost in the businesslike approach of the Westminster Community Theatre production.


“The Fantasticks,” the legendary musical by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, is a concoction of utter simplicity decorated with cardboard moonlight and coloratura spangles. Indomitably charming, it has been celebrating the mystery of love at New York’s Sullivan Street Playhouse for more than 30 years as the longest-running musical in theatrical history.

Like all miracles, however, “The Fantasticks” looks a good deal simpler than it actually is. The score--poetic, melodic and evocative--also is occasionally quasi-operatic. The love story, though told in a disarmingly straightforward boy-meets-girl, boy-loses-girl, boy-gets-girl parable, still requires a depth of feeling that exalts all romance above ordinary life.

The current production by the Westminster Community Theatre hangs its requisite cardboard moon and captures a respectable number of the vocal spangles, but the mystery of love is conspicuously absent. Director Steve Carlock’s businesslike approach keeps the story moving, when it really needs to hang suspended like the gossamer thing it is. It’s a tribute to Jones and Schmidt that in spite of the production’s cold heart, smiles warm the evening.


Most of those smiles are earned by Larry Blake as Henry, the redoubtable thespian, worn but ever ready to go on. Blake has a wonderfully dissipated look and a fantastically awful wig, but more important, he has heart.

CeCe Moore makes a Luisa who’s lovely to look at and mostly delightful to listen to, but her idea of heartbreak couldn’t compete with a self-respecting 6-year-old’s heavy pout. Don A. Johnson is vocally solid as Matt, as are the fathers, played by Bil Barratt and Dan Gonzalez. As El Gallo, Ted Escobar makes a strong impresario, but as the symbol of Romance, he is less than commanding. The musical director, Bob Goff, is a very attentive accompanist and always makes his singers sound right. On the whole, though, the production might profit from a few mistakes, provided they were committed in the passion of the moment.

‘The Fantasticks’

A Westminster Community Theatre production of the musical by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt. Directed by Steve Carlock. Produced by Sandi Newcomb. With Ted Escobar, CeCe Moore, Don A. Johnson, Bil Barratt, Dan Gonzalez, Larry Blake, Mark Bodner, Megan Endicott and Leif Sorenson. Musical direction by Bob Goff. Performances Friday, Saturday, April 10 and 11 at 8:30 p.m., Sunday at 2 p.m. At 7272 Maple St., Westminster. $7 to $9. (714) 995-4113 or (714) 893-8626.
