
Lancaster Festival to Offer Trips to State Poppy Reserve

The city of Lancaster will hold a Poppy Festival today, offering various activities in town and free shuttle-bus rides to the California poppy fields 15 miles away.

The festival begins at 10 a.m. in Lancaster City Park with an Easter egg hunt, entertainment, game booths and tethered hot-air balloon rides.

Buses to the 1,745-acre Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve will leave from a lot next to the park every half-hour, with the last returning shuttle bus departing the reserve at 3:30 p.m.


Although the poppy season promises to be colorful, blooms of the golden-orange California poppies, the state’s official flower, are not expected for a couple of weeks, city officials said. However, small yellow goldfields, blue-violet royal desert lupine and red Indian paintbrush are in bloom, city spokeswoman Nancy Walker said.

Motorists can drive to the reserve, 15 miles west of Lancaster on Lancaster Road, an extension of Avenue I. Parking is $5 per car. The area has hiking trails. Picking flowers is forbidden.
