
PLATFORM : Radio Blackout

<i> SIDNEY GALANTY is a Santa Monica-based political media consultant involved with the Tanenbaum for District Attorney campaign. He commented on KFI's announcement that it would not run any political ads. He told The Times:</i>

KFI radio and some local TV network affiliates recently seized upon the Reagan-Bush emasculation of Federal Communications Commission powers to deny or severely limit airwave access to all but candidates for federal office, who they wouldn’t dare cut off for fear of retaliatory legislation.

This decision, motivated purely by greed, makes it virtually impossible for city, county and state office-seekers to reach the electorate with anywhere near the impact allowed even beer sponsors. It gives great unfair advantage to incumbents and does disservice to our democratic process, already distorted by a profit-obsessed media.

For broadcasters to offer candidates a few crumbs of time or one Sunday afternoon interview is a cynical, arrogant betrayal of the great public trust implicit in their very license to exist. A license to use public airwaves based on service to the communities in which they operate. We deserve better from our broadcasters.
