
Jarvik Misses Mark for Accuracy on CPB

I am writing in response to Jarvik’s Counterpunch to clarify its factual errors and innuendo about the Independent Television Service, which has been mandated by Congress to create innovative programming for underserved audiences of public television.

I am an independent documentary filmmaker and a member of the ITVS board of directors. I made “The Times of Harvey Milk” and will soon release “Changing Our Minds: The Story of Dr. Evelyn Hooker.”

Contrary to Jarvik’s assertion, ITVS has never funded and has no knowledge of a film called “Trail of Tears: The Ho Chi Minh Trail.”


Jarvik asserts that ITVS has been called in print a “ ‘filmmaking wing’ of the Democratic party” based only on the titles of films; e.g. “Citizen Dhoruba” about a Black Panther leader. Jarvik cannot know the point of view of the film or its journalistic balance, since the film has not yet been completed and has never been screened.

Jarvik accuses Reps. Markey and Waxman of forcing “the CPB to funnel some $24 million to ITVS.” He is forgetting that the public TV bill, after approval by various committees, is then passed by both houses and signed by the President.

Jarvik calls ITVS “scandal-ridden,” but he does not describe any scandal. ITVS began to receive its production funding last summer and has funded 26 projects to date. Within the next six months, four series will be funded, utilizing much of the $24 million from Congress. Our overhead is probably lower than that of any public television entity.


Jarvik writes of “special interest groups promoting their own aims.” By his affiliation, he, too, represents a special interest group. As a staff member of the conservative Heritage Foundation, he has mounted a campaign to end funding of public television.

I believe it is important for public television, ITVS, as well as the arts and humanities endowments, to be as free from political influence as possible, including from Jarvik.


Intrepid Productions, Los Angeles
