
Anti-Gang March and Rally Planned

Hundreds of people are expected to join a march and rally in Santa Paula today to discourage youths from joining gangs and abusing alcohol and drugs.

The event will feature testimonials from ex-gang members and will begin at noon with a march from Las Piedras Park, at 13th and Saticoy streets, and end at Veterans Memorial Park, at 10th and Ventura streets.

The rally, testimonials and a play about the tragedies of drug abuse and gang violence are scheduled from 12:45 to 3 p.m. in Veterans Memorial Park.


Pastor Noel Escajeda of New Harvest Fellowship in Santa Paula said he has watched gang violence increase in the city of 25,000 during the past three years.

“It’s getting more and more violent,” said Escajeda, who said he hopes the event will touch many people.

“We’re trying to reach youths contemplating getting involved in gangs . . . and those already in gangs,” Escajeda said. “We’re trying to raise community awareness.”
