
Slain Pendleton Marine Had Bronze Star From Gulf War


The body of the Camp Pendleton Marine found stabbed to death Monday in Fallbrook has been identified as 22-year-old Corp. Brent H. Arthurs, a recipient of the Bronze Star for his action in the Gulf War, the Marines announced Wednesday.

“Not too many soldiers won Bronze Star medals. They don’t give many of those out. It’s really a shame what happened to him,” Marine Sgt. Rene Reyna said. “He was a . . . veteran from the 1st Marine Division.”

Arthurs was awarded the Bronze Star for his valor near the Kuwait International Airport, where his platoon was attacked by more than eight armored vehicles.


A member of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Arthurs was as a gunner who handled a shoulder-launched multipurpose assault weapon.

The citation awarded to Arthurs by Lt. Gen. W. E. Boomer read: “With total disregard for his own personal safety, Lance Cpl. Brent H. Arthurs engaged the lead vehicle, stopping the attack.”

He also risked his life to remove enemy barbed wire, which enabled his battalion to move forward, the commendation said.


The body of the Arkansas native was found early Monday morning by two hikers, who came upon him near De Luz Road, a half-mile north of Doherty Street. Arthurs was fully clothed and had his identification still on him.

The Sheriff’s Department believes someone dumped the body sometime before noon Monday.

“Any death is a tragedy and, yes, it’s terrible that this victim had survived Desert Storm only to come back home and suffer this crime,” said Sheriff’s Sgt. Manny Castillo of the homicide detail.

The county coroner’s office said Arthurs died of stab wounds in the neck and back.

“No arrests have been made, and we are following up leads and talking to people to find anyone who might help us find out what happened,” Castillo said.
