
Gun Control and L.A. Riot

In response to “We Need More Guns, Not Less, for Our Safety,” Column Right, May 10:

Glad to hear that Joseph Farah is in favor of “rethink(ing) the gun (control) issue.” His gutless, shoot-bullets-at-shadows response to our class conflict shows that he has yet to heed his own advice.

My initial response to the riots was to consider running out and buying a gun. After a week of calm, I think the waiting period is a great idea--that’s one reason it’s in place, to keep people from making emotionally charged decisions that might end up getting themselves or others killed. Careful self-analysis showed me that I’m a lot more likely to use a gun on the white-collar clown who cuts in front of traffic from the right-turn lane, or the neighbor who crushes beer cans at 6 a.m. than I am to have it at hand and ready in case of riot, robbery or natural disaster.

I’m especially grateful that Farah quoted the entire 2nd Amendment, since the first half is routinely ignored by opponents of gun control. If Farah and kindred spirits will agree to a “well-regulated militia” where gun owners are required to train and are accountable to a centralized command, then he can go on trumpeting his constitutional rights, and I’ll gladly support them. If he takes “the right . . . to keep and bear arms” out of context, then I will do all I can to push through any and all regulation--also out of context--as a means of keeping lethal arms out of my neighborhood. Think about it, Joe.


ED CHLLINGTON, Redondo Beach
