
THE TIMES POLL: The Senate: How They Won

This exit poll by The Times profiles various groups of voters in California. The poll is based on 4,390 interviews with California Democratic primary voters and 3,001 Republican primary voters at 120 polling places across the state on Tuesday. The margin of error for the total sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points. The margin of error for subgroups may be somewhat higher.



% of all Each column shows GOP the percentage of voters voters who voted for: who are: Seymour Dannemeyer SEX: 55 Male 50 28 45 Female 51 27 AGE: 13 18 to 29 45 24 43 30 to 49 45 29 25 50 to 64 51 29 19 65 and over 65 23 EDUCATION: 19 High school graduate or less 53 24 31 Some college 47 30 30 College graduate 50 30 20 Post graduate 53 23 INCOME: 10 Less than $20,000 51 28 25 $20,000 to $39,999 50 26 28 $40,000 to $60,000 50 28 37 More than $60,000 50 29 IDEOLOGY: 8 Liberal 55 12 41 Middle of the road 57 19 51 Conservative 45 36


% of all Each column shows GOP the percentage of voters voters who voted for: who are: Herschensohn Campbell Bono SEX: 55 Male 40 33 17 45 Female 36 39 16 AGE: 13 18 to 29 33 33 20 43 30 to 49 37 32 21 25 50 to 64 39 39 14 19 65 and over 43 40 12 EDUCATION: 19 High school graduate or less 40 28 23 31 Some college 42 31 18 30 College graduate 36 40 16 20 Post graduate 33 43 12 INCOME: 10 Less than $20,000 38 25 23 25 $20,000 to $39,999 36 34 20 28 $40,000 to $60,000 38 34 17 37 More than $60,000 39 40 14 IDEOLOGY: 8 Liberal 19 43 24 41 Middle of the road 27 40 22 51 Conservative 49 31 12



% of all % of all Each column shows Democratic GOP the percentage of voters voters voters who voted for: who are: Feinstein Davis SEX: 46 Male 53 36 54 Female 62 30 RACE: 74 White 60 30 11 Black 55 40 9 Latino 48 42 3 Asian 58 30 AGE: 13 18 to 29 58 33 47 30 to 49 60 30 22 50 to 64 55 34 18 65 and over 57 38 EDUCATION: 24 High school graduate or less 45 44 27 Some college 55 33 26 College graduate 61 30 23 Post graduate 72 23 INCOME: 14 Less than $20,000 52 42 29 $20,000 to $39,999 54 37 27 $40,000 to $60,000 58 32 30 More than $60,000 66 25 IDEOLOGY: 38 Liberal 69 25 49 Middle of the road 55 36 13 Conservative 35 45


% of all % of all Each column shows Democratic GOP the percentage of voters voters voters who voted for: who are: Boxer McCarthy Levine SEX: 46 Male 39 35 23 54 Female 50 26 21 RACE: 74 White 47 30 20 11 Black 38 30 30 9 Latino 34 40 23 3 Asian 36 31 30 AGE: 13 18 to 29 51 25 22 47 30 to 49 49 27 21 22 50 to 64 37 35 24 18 65 and over 36 38 23 EDUCATION: 24 High school graduate or less 31 34 31 27 Some college 43 31 21 26 College graduate 46 31 21 23 Post graduate 57 25 17 INCOME: 14 Less than $20,000 42 32 24 29 $20,000 to $39,999 43 31 22 27 $40,000 to $60,000 44 32 21 30 More than $60,000 49 28 21 IDEOLOGY: 38 Liberal 59 22 18 49 Middle of the road 38 35 24 13 Conservative 24 42 28

Source: Los Angeles Times Poll, June 2, 1992. Percentages may not add up to 100% because results for some candidates and voter groups are not displayed. NA=not available.
