
No Sympathy for Students

Forgive me for not sympathizing with today’s complaining college students attending any campus of the University of California, California State University or a California community college. The fees paid by these students are not meant to cover the cost of their education. Look at the tuitions of private colleges, even very well-endowed private colleges, to see what their education really costs. Their small fee doesn’t even pay for the school newspaper, security and student health. Further, I have yet to meet a capable student who was turned down for financial aid to meet the expenses involved.

At the community colleges, the fee is a maximum of $60. And even those not having graduated from high school can get financial aid for a semester to demonstrate they are able to benefit from the college experience.

And I have little sympathy for those advocating spending my tax money on more college classrooms. With few exceptions the classrooms on campuses throughout the state are empty from 2 p.m. through 7 p.m. All that is needed is the teacher and the students willing to take and conduct classes during these hours.


The real need in post-secondary education in California is competent instructors who are scholarly, enjoy students, care about teaching, and, most important, know something about pedagogy.

