
Baldwin Park : Planning Panel Scaled Back

As part of a strategy to cut expenses and balance its 1992-93 budget, the City Council voted last week to reduce its Planning Commission from seven to five members.

City Manager Donald Penman told the council Wednesday that the move will save the city $4,000 a year. Each commissioner gets a stipend of $50 per meeting, he said, and traditionally the commissioners attend a state conference that costs between $200 and $2,000 each, depending on where the conference is held.

This year, he said, there are plans to send only two commissioners to the conference. The commission, made up of Baldwin Park residents, votes on applications for development permits, variances, and other zoning and planning issues.


Because of stringent budget shortfalls, the city has also cut eight staff positions for this fiscal year.

The council will make only one appointment for three terms that are expiring.
