
Community College Cuts

Your editorial on community colleges (July 11) stated that the governor is improperly imposing priorities for who should receive community college education and is threatening a $451-million cut in community college funding. You are wrong on both counts.

The governor suggested some priorities but in informal conversations has indicated his willingness to let them be established by the board of governors. In contrast the Assembly, led by Speaker Willie Brown, is considering legislation that would, as a practical matter, exclude those with a bachelor’s degree from community colleges. This is a much harsher measure than simply setting broad priorities and deserves much more of your venom than the governor’s modest proposals.

The $451-million cut is simply a reduction from the quite generous funding proposed by the governor in January. According to Joe Newmeyer, the chancellor’s chief financial officer, Wilson’s proposal taken in its entirety will produce more revenue than last year, not less.


As past president of the board of governors I believe that community colleges should be allocated every nickel we can find because they do a great job of educating our most needy students. Nonetheless, in this financial crisis the governor’s proposals deserve an honest analysis.


San Diego
