
Cold War Victors

At last, someone who tells it as it is.

Listening to our media quote politicians and others who talk about “winning” and the United States being the new world “leader” makes me cringe and I am a U.S. citizen, born here, second generation.

Reminds me of the news story about one of our ambassadors, who expressed his outrage at someone at a diplomatic reception, who, upon hearing the United States proclaim itself the “new world leader,” responded by saying, “Who asked you?”

In a nutshell, that epitomizes the U.S. arrogance in presuming it is a “winner” and a “leader”; and also at the U.S. attitude of getting angry at reality and of treating other governments as recalcitrant children who need to be told what to think and do!


R. PRUCHNICKI, Culver City
