
RETAIL : Irvine-Based Pepsico Sends Taco Bell Mobile Unit to Aid Hurricane Victims

Compiled by Chris Woodyard / Times staff writer

While the federal government was taking heat over its handling of the Hurricane Andrew relief effort, Taco Bell was working in the kitchen.

The Irvine-based unit of Pepsico Inc. rushed a self-contained mobile kitchen to southern Florida, along with several food carts. From them, the company is handing out free bean and beef burritos and soft drinks to hungry hurricane victims at Red Cross shelters.

The company also opened a relief center for 200 displaced Taco Bell employees in the region to provide them with food, medical attention, cash loans, free telephone service and other assistance. Donation canisters will be placed in Taco Bell’s 3,700 restaurants nationwide for the next month to help disaster victims.


Of the 20 Taco Bell restaurants in the hurricane’s path, five were destroyed and the others damaged.
