
Column Rouses Emotions Over Pat Robertson and Republicans

I read with mingled horror and dismay Tim Rutten’s “Since When Did Women Become the Enemy?” (Aug. 27) wherein he quoted a recent fund-raising letter by Pat Robertson. Horror from the realization that Robertson would state in a fund-raising letter that feminism is a movement about killing children and practicing witchcraft. Dismay that the leadership of the Republican Party has embraced Robertson and his hatemongering cronies.

Witchcraft? I hesitate now to call Robertson by the name reverend. He has obviously forgotten that the Ten Commandments instruct us to love our neighbors and not bear false witness against them. Spreading such lies and hatefulness bears no resemblance to the Christian ideals I was raised to revere. Bush, Quayle and all Republicans would do well to remember that we are all judged at least in part by the company we keep. I find myself unable to respect, much less vote for, anyone who believes the things Pat Robertson says.


Los Angeles
