
Fullerton School District

Three people are running for two seats on the Fullerton School District Board of Trustees in the Nov. 3 election.

Rosamaria Gomez-Amaro

Age: 45.

Occupation: Administrator at Cal State Fullerton.

Background: Education administrator for 24 years; board member of the Girl Scouts Council of Orange County.

Priorities: Identify new revenues by evaluating the district’s assets and through possible fund-raising events; join other districts in lobbying the Assembly for more funding; maintain a quality education for all children, those who are gifted or have limited-English proficiency.


Karen Chavez

Age: 29.

Occupation: Educator; homemaker.

Background: Follows district policy and business as a concerned parent.

Priorities: Emphasize reading, writing and math skills; give parents input in class curriculum; re-evaluate the effectiveness of bilingual education; teach absolute values in the classroom instead of situational values.

Anthony Gray

Age: 31.

Occupation: Contractor.

Background: PTA board member; has attended school board meetings for several years as a concerned parent.

Priorities: Continue to improve the school system; lobby the state to divide education funds more equitably; reopen Maple Elementary, which was closed in 1972; if funds become available, air-condition schools to avoid closing them during summer.
